Friday, October 25, 2013

When Is It Safe To Do Electrical Repair Work Yourself?

    Faulty electrical repair work can lead to deadly consequences. Bad connections can trigger a fire and cause untold damage and loss of life. For this reason, many home owners never do any electrical repair work themselves and prefer to hire a licensed electrician. However, there are a few projects that you can safely do if you keep a few things in mind.

Safety Considerations

    Electricians and mechanics use a process called locking and tagging to ensure that no electricity will be running through the system they are working on. Turn your power off before beginning any job and place a lock on your fuse box or use a piece of tape to keep the switch in the off position to ensure that the power cannot be accidentally turned back on while you are working. The voltage running throughout a home can kill you if you aren't careful. Always use a power tester before you begin to work.
    Many appliances have capacitors within them that can deliver quite a jolt even after they have been unplugged. Pull out your operating manual before working on any appliance to see if it has a capacitor and find the location within the appliance. Capacitors are used to keep appliances running smoothly and they should be treated with caution.

    Never attempt to do electrical repairs when conditions are wet or if it is raining. The risk of electrical shock is simply too great. Make sure that you wear rubber-soled shoes and only use fiber glass ladders. Never stand on metal as it is an excellent conductor and since concrete floors are also conductors, stand on a rubber mat when you are working in the basement.

    If you have a fuse box, make sure that you use only one hand to replace the fuse. Your other hand should be placed inside your pocket or held behind your back so that you don't accidentally grab an electrical component and close the circuit. The electricity can actually travel through your heart and cause grave damage.

Recognizing Problems Beyond Your Capacity

    Some homeowners believe that simple fixes will repair electrical problems. However, should you attempt a repair but find that the problem recurs, you should call a professional in. For example, if you replace a fuse or flip a switch in your electrical box and find that the problem immediately returns, it is likely that there is an underlying problem that is more serious. Call in an experienced electrician to investigate.

DIY Electrical Repairs Most Home Owners Can Safely Do

    Most ceiling fans can be safely installed without hiring a licensed electrician if you already have an existing light fixture. The instructions are very explicit for most fans and safety equipment is included. Use quality tools so that you don't damage existing wires while working.

    Light switches and light fixtures can also be safely installed by the home owner as long as the wiring is already in place. Kits are available with all the pieces you require. You should always turn the power off before beginning and use high quality tools for your work.

Electrical Projects That Require Licensed Electricians

    Any rewiring project should be done by a trained electrician. There are too many things that can go wrong and create hazardous conditions. Electricians know when a partial job is safe and will recommend a total rewire if the wiring is old or damaged.

    Replacing a fuse box should never be attempted by a home owner. The fuse box ties into the power coming into the home and special procedures must be used. In most areas, there are stringent laws requiring that trained electricians be hired. A contractor will visit your home and make recommendations to upgrade the electrical wiring running through your home.

    If you are expanding your home, you should hire a licensed electrician. They will make sure that the load is evenly distributed and match the type of wires used to eliminate the risk of electrical fires. Work with your building contractor to find one in your area.

    Electricity is a physical phenomenon and it behaves in expected ways. However, if you are unfamiliar with it, you should hire an expert. You might pay more but your family will be safe in your home. Remember, finding a company that is reputable for electric repair is key, so start off with Gray Electric if you are in the Marble Falls area.

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